Genesis 1-11

Genesis is a book of beginnings. It provides the foundation of world history, the fall and redemption. Course Materials: Mortenson & Ury, eds., Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth

Mathews, Genesis 1- 11:26, New American Commentary

Collins, Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary

Course Syllabus – Provides course description, required textbooks, course assignments, suggested schedule of assignments, and selected bibliography.

Course Study Notes – Includes the Course Worksheets.

Course Information

Course Instructor

Dr. William Barrick Dr. William Barrick Author

I served as Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at the Masters Seminary for over 18 years and I have taught thousands of students how to read and understand the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). I’ve been involved in 13 Bible translation projects for 9 different languages.

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