
Over the past 22 years I have been involved in a number of Bible translation projects in Bangladesh and in the United States.
For 15 years I was the exegetical consultant for the Standard Bengali Common Language (SBCL) Bible and the Muslim Bengali Common Language (MBCL) Bible in Chittagong, Bangladesh with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). In addition, I worked as a consultant for the Chakma New Testament and Tripura New Testament. I participated in translation seminars training translators for Bible translation projects for the Bawm, Chakma, Sadri, and Garo tribal languages and was involved in Bible translation committees for projects in the Mru and Marma tribal languages and for the Chittagonian dialect as well as a committee for a revision of the Old Bengali Bible.
In the United States I was an editor for the Book of Job in the English Standard Version and for the books of Job and Leviticus in the NET Bible and the Lexham Old Testament.
Bible Translation Papers
- Psalm 23: Lessons from Its Translation from the Early Church until Today, Part 1–The Ancient Versions (132KB)
- Bible Translation as Great Literature (84KB)
- Examining Modern Versions of the Bible (132KB)
- What Is Truth in Translation? The Issue of Accuracy in Translating the Bible (128KB)
- Turning Babel on Its Head: Translating for Understanding (216KB)
- Integration of Old Testament Theology with Bible Translation (157KB)