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Recommended Reading: Graciousness, John Crotts
Reading should be shared as all joys ought to be shared. Those joys also include self-discovery and self-improvement. But, let’s not get carried away with the focus on self since it is God who changes us internally. Graciousness exposed my own ungraciousness quietly, gently — well, sometimes not so gently. For the past few months
Creation: Critical to Biblical Faith
The Master’s University invited me to speak in chapel on February 21, 2024 as part of the 30th Creation Summit. For that chapel I chose to address the student body and faculty on the topic of biblical faith as related to biblical creation. My text: Hebrews 11:1–3. You can watch the chapel session at this

Dr. William Barrick
I’m a semi-retired Hebrew and Old Testament professor and I help people understand the richness of the Old Testament so they can joyfully love and serve their Creator. I’ve been married 56 years to a wonderful wife, and have 4 married children, 14 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren.
Books and Recommendations

Recommended Reading: Graciousness, John Crotts
Reading should be shared as all joys ought to be shared. Those joys also include self-discovery and self-improvement. But, let’s not get carried away with the focus on self since it is God who changes us internally. Graciousness exposed my own ungraciousness quietly, gently — well, sometimes not so gently. For the past few months

Creation Science: My Vision of Its Future
The organizers of the International Conference on Creationism 2023 assigned me this topic as the keynote address on opening night at Cedarville University. My paper included more examples than I used during the address since my allotted time would not allow the fuller presentation. My twofold plea to biblical creationists, creation societies, and creationist ministries

A Pilgrim’s Look Ahead
Leaping from 2022 into the unknown territory of 2023 could be likened to an airline pilot’s anxiety when faced with the necessity of landing a 747 safely in the Alaskan bush. Or, it can be likened to the proverbial “leap in the dark.” Taking leaps of faith challenges all of us as Christians. We know
Latest Answers

Q & A: Free will in Heaven?
While reading Benjamin Warfield’s critique of perfectionism and the attendant descriptions of both justification and sanctification, I received a question from a friend whose son had asked if we will have a free will in Heaven. Since my mind was already engaged in the topic of how the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives, it

Samson and Gaza’s Gates
Over 40 years ago I published “Samson’s Removal of Gaza’s Gates,” Journal of the Near Eastern Archaeological Society 8 (1976): 83–93. Prof. Stan Swinney and I worked on the research for this article a mere four years into my first full-time teaching post in Denver, CO. We intended to publish a series of articles we
Free Hebrew Courses
I’ve taught Biblical Hebrew for several decades. If you’d like to learn, enroll in my free courses below.
To take a course, just sign up for a free account.

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Being a convinced creationist, I enjoy observing the beautiful plants and animals God so wondrously created. iNaturalist provides the opportunity for cataloging those observations and sharing them with other amateur and professional naturalists. "But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth and it will teach you . . ." (Job 12:7-8). To allow you to enjoy some of what I have observed and continue to encounter, this link will share my observations recorded on the iNaturalist app.