- Current Most Popular Christian Books
View canyonbill’s observations »Being a convinced creationist, I enjoy observing the beautiful plants and animals God so wondrously created. iNaturalist provides the opportunity for cataloging those observations and sharing them with other amateur and professional naturalists. “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth and it will teach you . . .” (Job 12:7-8). To allow you to enjoy some of what I have observed and continue to encounter, this link will share my observations recorded on the iNaturalist app.
Akkadian Resources
- A Grammar of Akkadian (Harvard Semitic)
” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>John Huehnergard, A Grammar of Akkadian, 3rd edition
- Workbook of Cuneiform Signs (Aids and research tools in ancient Near Eastern studies)
” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Daniel Snell, Workbook of Cuneiform Signs
Associated Ministries
Ancient Society and Life
- Currency, Coins, and Banking Throughout History After a brief introduction to coins and currency, this web site provides 31 links to other web sites dealing with the topic throughout history. Sources consist primarily of reputable institutions, publications, and scholars.
- Glass in Roman Culture The links on this Roman glassmaking page lead to a wealth of resources. Thank you, Kensie.
ANE Resources
- Ebla’s Impact on Bible Records This is but one of the many excellent articles available at the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) web site.
Biblical and Theological Books Online
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) Enter a topic and you can access the articles from the 1901 edition edited by James Orr. In ‘Psalms, Book of’ and you will be able to read the clearest presentation available of Thirtle’s theory of psalm titles (John Richard Sampey, author).
Biblical Archaeology
- Currency, Coins, and Banking Throughout History After a brief introduction to coins and currency, this web site provides 31 links to other web sites dealing with the topic throughout history. Sources consist primarily of reputable institutions, publications, and scholars.
- Dead Sea Scrolls Information about the world of the scrolls, the Qumran community and library. Introduction to scholarly discussion about Qumran. Photographs of some scroll fragments together with English translations of their content. Links to resource materials.
- Inventory of Manuscripts from Qumran Detailed listing of the Qumran scrolls organized by cave. Includes brief descriptions and references to the published materials.
Biblical Studies and Theology
- Biblical Studies.org.uk What Lambert Dolphin has accomplished and Ted Hildebrandt is attempting here in the U.S., Robert Bradshaw is working on in the U.K. This is another one of those web sites I would expect my students to become familiar with. (Hint, hint.)
- eSources for Biblical Studies (Ted Hildebrandt) Ted and I share some stories about our seminary student days at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. His web site’s list of e-sources is just beginning, but it will prove to be an invaluable treasure trove.
- Ezekiel’s Temple Paul Jablonowski provides photographs of a scale model together with color-coded floor plans to help visualize what Ezekiel’s Temple might look like. On this site there are also a Temple history, a discussion of the order of services in Ezekiel’s Temple,
- Lambert Dolphin’s Online Biblical Library Lambert Dolphin began his web site in 1995 and has managed to pack it with the most comprehensive collection of links for biblical and theological studies to be found anywhere on the world wide web today.
- Albert Mohler, President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Mohler posts his comments on theological issues and current events and topics of discussion.
Book Sellers
- Eisenbrauns (Books) While in my ThD program at Grace Theological Seminary, I worked at Eisenbrauns. I started shipping books then moved into phototypesetting. Projects in which I participated: CHD, BA, and books by O’Connor, Freedman, and Lapp.
Christian Hymnology
- Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts No one should ever preach in the Psalms without reading and singing the poetic renditions of Isaac Watts. Singing psalms is an exercise that will bless the soul and elevate the mind. That is one of the practices I follow in teaching through the Psalter.
- Scripture Allusions in Favorite Hymns Here is a quick verse by verse Bible-based access to words and tunes for hymns. The site also includes some stories of hymns and hymn writers.
Classics in Christian Literature
- Dennis Swanson on Spurgeon John Gill is the only Baptist to produce a systematic theology (his Body of Divinity) and a detailed multi-volume commentary on the entire Bible.
Computer Resources
- BullZip PDF Printer Just recently (2010), one of the computer geeks at Logos recommended this pdf printer for resolving problems I had with converting MSWord documents rich with Hebrew fonts with the Adobe pdf printer.
- CutePDF Writer Several years ago, when I needed a good pdf printer for my wife’s computer, IT recommended this as a safe download with great functionality. She has been using it ever since. It is freeware.
Creation Studies and Resources
- Answers in Genesis (AiG) Answer is Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. AiG focuses particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis.
- Creation.com Creation Ministries International A web site rich with resources. Ministry of Dr. Jonathan Sarfati.
- Creation-Evolution Headlines David Coppedge provides this web site in order to report breaking news about origins which he reports with ‘color commentary.’ Visit it for the latest news in the realm of science in a wide range of fields.
- Dr. John C. Whitcomb’s Messages I first met Dr. Whitcomb in 1965 in Denver. Morris and Whitcomb’s The Genesis Flood had quite an impact on me. My dream to sit under his teaching was fulfilled during my ThD program at Grace Theological Seminary.
- “Avinu Malkeinu” by Barbra Streisand One of the most beautiful and beautifully sung of Hebrew songs. A prayer sung by Jewish congregations at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well as on each of the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
- Daily Dose of Hebrew Superb daily 2-minute videos walking word by word through a Hebrew Bible verse for understanding its grammar. Typical modern, rather than classical, pronunciation. Futato’s and Blanchard’s interpretations are sometimes suspect.
- Hebrew Alphabet Song (AlefBet) Check out this newest updated version — I love it!
- Hebrew Alphabet Song Closest available online Hebrew alphabet song to the original that used to be online and which I used in my Hebrew classes for my students.
- Hebrew Audio Bible The pronunciation is not the pure classical Hebrew most closely associated with Yemeni Hebrew pronunciation, but the popular and dominant Germanic pronunciation of Medieval to Modern Hebrew. This shows up especially in pronouncing WAW as VAV.
Heroes in OT Studies
- Robert Dick Wilson With apologies to my personal mentors in OT studies whom I admire so much and to whom I owe more than I could ever repay (Leo Lapp, Bernard Northrup, and John Whitcomb), I would trade the lion’s share of my years with them for one semester under Wilson.
- Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies an online inter-denominational journal focused on Bible and Theology.
- Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament a peer-reviewed evangelical journal for Old Testament studies.
- The Master’s Seminary Journal an online journal published by The Master’s Seminary under the editorship of Dr. Michael Vlach.
- Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Hebrew Union College makes this Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon available. This lexicon project is edited by Stephen A. Kaufman and Joseph A. Fizmyer, with Michael Sokoloff as associate editor. Includes all dialects from all periods of ancient Aramaic.
Online Hebrew Bibles
- Das wissenschaftliche Bibelportal der Deutschen Bibelgesellschaft This is the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia text with vowels and accents on the German Bible Society web site. In the upper right hand corner of the page you can select BHS then type in the reference (e.g., Mal 4:1)–the site will take you to the content.
- Ginsburg Hebrew Bible Biblia Sacra Utriusque Testamenti: Editio Hebraica et Graeca (bibles.org.uk, London), with new corrected text, notes, and typesetting (c) 2002-2005 for personal use only.
- Mechon Mamre An Israeli web site containing five different Hebrew Bible editions, as well as parallel language translations. Select the one with ‘cantillation marks’ for the full Hebrew text. The site is compatible with Ezra SIL SR font.
- Scholarly Online Bible Versions German Bible Society portal to LXX, Vulgate, BHS, Greek NT (NA 28 and UBS 5), etc.
- Immanuel Velikovsky Archives Perhaps only those who have already been introduced to Velikovsky can really appreciate these archives. Worlds in Collision, Ages in Chaos, Oedipus and Akhenaton, and Peoples of the Sea gave me many hours of reading pleasure challenging my perceptions.
- Mars Rovers (NASA/JPL) What would it be like to go to Mars? The red planet has always intrigued me. Some years ago I even wrote a short story presenting real arguments for creationism vs. evolution featuring a debate between two protagonists in a space station on Mars.
- The Back Pew (Humor) My favorite Jeff Larson cartoons are his series on Leviticus.
Texts and Textual Criticism
- Aleppo Codex Online Browse or read the Aleppo Codex in photographic reproduction with magnification capabilities. This is a superb site. This codex is the basis for the current Hebrew University Bible Project to produce the most complete textual critical edition in history.
- Codex Sinaiticus Project This web site makes one of the oldest Greek manuscripts of the entire Bible available in digital form. It will not be fully developed until July 2009, but visit the site and view the manuscript for yourself.
- Ginsburg Hebrew Bible Biblia Sacra Utriusque Testamenti: Editio Hebraica et Graeca (bibles.org.uk, London), with new corrected text, notes, and typesetting (c) 2002-2005 for personal use only.
- Ginsburg’s Introduction to the Massoretico-critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible Ginsburg’s massive 1028-page Introduction provides one of the most detailed and historic studies of the Masoretic manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible. London: Trinitarian Bible Society, 1897.
- Origen’s Hexapla Online The 1875 Oxford edition by Fridericus Field.
- Old Testament Textual Criticism An online blog for research, discussion, and questions about textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible.
- The Pesher to Habakkuk Fred P. Miller (see the information above on the link for the Qumran Great Isaiah Scroll) has also posted the photographs for 1QpHb along with his own comments and discussion.
- Qumran Great Isaiah Scroll All the black and white photographs for the full text of 1QIs(a) are accessible on this web site by Fred P. Miller, pastor of Mt. Union Christian Church, Slanesville, West Virginia. Materials include a detailed introduction.
- Scholarly Online Bible Versions German Bible Society portal to LXX, Vulgate, BHS, Greek NT (NA 28 and UBS 5), etc.
- Septuagint Online The text of the LXX is available on this site with a parsing tool that appears when you click on a word.
- Which Hebrew Bible? David L. Baker’s review of Biblia Hebraica Quinta, Hebrew University Bible, Oxford Hebrew Bible, and other modern editions of the Hebrew Bible.