Adam’s Rib

Many preachers have used Genesis 2:18-25 as a selected passage to read at weddings. On a number of occasions I have heard a pastor talk about the fact that God selected a “rib” in Gen. 2:21 to use to “fashion” the woman. I have heard several pastors claim that there is significance for the selection

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Inter-covenantal Truth and Relevance: Leviticus 26 and the Biblical Covenants

Leviticus 26 provides a key to advancing the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants by showing how the two relate to each other. The parenthetical nature of the chapter shows its inter-covenantal character in six areas: (1) covenant, (2) law, (3) Yahweh, (4) promise, (5) repentance, and (6) revelation. The word for “covenant” used therein always relates

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Penal Substitution in the Old Testament

Theologically and biblically speaking, penal substitution refers to God’s gift of His Son to undergo the penalty of death as a substitute for fallen humanity, recent efforts to deny that teaching notwithstanding. The OT offers many examples of cases in which divine judicial action resulted in the deaths of offenders who violated God’s standards of

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“Ur of the Chaldeans” (Gen 11:28-31): A Model for Dealing with Difficult Texts

Scholars are still puzzled over the appearance of “Ur of the Chaldeans” in Gen 11:28 and 31. Proposed solutions to the problem have either called it an anachronism or an example of post-Mosaic textual updating, or else they hold that Moses wrote the text just as it stands because he knew about the Chaldeans in

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Exegetical Fallacies: Common Interpretative Mistakes Every Student Must Avoid

Students of the Bible often make mistakes that can be avoided if they are aware of errors that others have committed. One of the errors is the “Evidential Fallacy” which fails to approach the text with the presumption that it is accurate. Another mistake is the “Superior Knowledge Fallacy” which occurs when one, in approaching

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