Recommended Reading: Graciousness, John Crotts

Reading should be shared as all joys ought to be shared. Those joys also include self-discovery and self-improvement. But, let’s not get carried away with the focus on self since it is God who changes us internally. Graciousness exposed my own ungraciousness quietly, gently — well, sometimes not so gently. For the past few months my wife and I have been reading John Crotts’ Graciousness: Tempering Truth with Love (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2018) in 6-page increments. Our joint evaluation of the volume recognizes the significant contribution it makes to us in our marriage, our family, and our church. We recommend it highly for reading by couples, families, discussion groups, and church home groups. A few books address the daily challenges we face in our relationships to others and how we communicate through our words and actions. Graciousness employs both sound biblical teaching and practical instruction for how to live out those biblical truths. Crotts successfully communicates both of those facets of spiritual learning. Do yourself and those around you a favor. Read this book and prayerfully seek God’s help in putting it to work through the discipline of a long obedience to Him.


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