
The Role of the Law of Moses in the Church

What role does the law of Moses play in the church?  Join Dr Barrick as he explains the relevance of the law to the church today in this sermon from various scriptures. This message was delivered in The Masters Seminary chapel in September 2006 [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/messages/2006-09-26_TMS.mp3″ text=”Dr Bill Barrick, The Role of the Law of

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Changes in Doctrine of Justification

The “New Perspective” on Paul makes some significant changes to the doctrine of justification.  In this sermon Dr Barrick explains these changes and their significance. This sermon was delivered in The Masters Seminary Chapel in January 2005 from various scriptures. [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/messages/2005-01-01_TMS.mp3″ text=”Dr Bill Barrick, Changes in the Doctrine of Justification in the New Perspective”]

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