
NEW BOOK — Searching for Adam

Searching for Adam: Genesis and the Truth about Man’s Origin, edited by Terry Mortenson (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2016) has now been published. Available on Amazon. The volume’s target audience includes serious-minded lay people, pastors, missionaries, seminary and Christian college professors and students, and other Christian leaders. It contains sixteen chapters that biblical and scientific experts

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Noah’s Flood and the Biblical Record

Over the past two weeks the Dispensational Publishing House Blog published a two-part article on what the Bible reveals about the global and catastrophic Flood of Noah’s time. https://dispensationalpublishing.com/flood/text-actually-teach/ https://dispensationalpublishing.com/flood/actually-happened-flood/ The blog features a variety of authors on this topic and you will find all of them thought-provoking and stimulating to read. God not only

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Creation–Peripheral Doctrine?

Is the doctrine of creation a peripheral or secondary (or even tertiary) biblical doctrine? Some scholars opine that instantaneous, miraculous, divine creation as a doctrine should be exchanged for natural evolution. Others would soften the exchange and substitute theistic evolution–that at least keeps God in the picture, even if it removes the instantaneous and miraculous.

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This ancient inscription caught my eye as I walked through the Pergamon Museum in Berlin in November 2015. The inscription above the raised hand says, “I am Barrakib, son of Panammu[wa].” King Barrakib ruled in Sam’al (modern Zincirli) in Turkey. The inscription, dating from approximately 730 BC is written in ancient Aramaic with the old Phoenician script. Barrakib is pretty close

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