Study Series

Biblical Covenants

Introductory Comments Current discussion on the topics of biblical covenants swirls through theological circles like a Martian dust storm. Two types of theological particulates cloud the atmosphere and blot out light. Both covenantalism, on one hand, and dispensationalism, on the other hand, contribute to the tempest. Simultaneously, movements have taken place from both sides of […]

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Priceless Treasures in Familiar Settings—Psalm 23:1

Priceless treasures of propositional truth reside in divine Scripture. Priceless, because their value exceeds anything this world has to offer. Treasures, because such truths enrich the soul, infuse life with supreme joy, and produce contentment no amount of earthly treasures can supply. For over 57 years the Bible’s most familiar texts have found their way

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The Synoptic Gospels’ Inerrancy: When Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

This apparent contradiction of the timing of the events involved Jesus’ cleansing the Temple and cursing the fig tree. Matthew 21:12–19 reports that Jesus cursed the fig tree on the day following His cleansing of the Temple. However, Mark 11:12–24 appears to indicate that Jesus left Bethany (v. 12), cursed the fig tree for not

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Uncommon Wisdom: Old Testament Wisdom Books

Introduction Overall, Old Testament (OT) wisdom books are fairly anthropocentric (man-centered) since they address the issues of everyday living faced by God’s people. That does not mean that they are not also theocentric (God-centered). God instructs His people to live their lives in view of His existence, presence, righteousness, and justice. Studying these books provides

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Daniel 8–Focus on a Key Individual

Daniel 7 repeats the same series of six kingdoms as Daniel 2, but uses different figures to represent them. However, Daniel 8 focuses only on the 3rd through the 6th of those kingdoms. Daniel’s prophetic revelation highlights Antiochus Epiphanes as the historico-prophetic springboard. The prophecies pertaining to Antiochus Epiphanes act as an introduction to the

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