Study Series

Revelation 14–Judgment and Harvest Following the Dominion of the Unholy Trinity on the Earth

The 144,000 appear on Mt. Zion with the Lamb while six angels appear as participants in this scene from the future. This study of Revelation 14 seeks to identify the one sitting on the white cloud wielding a sickle and proposes an explanation for the river of blood as deep as the horses’ bridles.   […]

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Revelation 13:11-18–The Second Beast: The Third Person of the Unholy Trinity

Revelation 13:11-18 reveals the description, deception, and demarcation of the third person in the unholy trinity. This individual, also known as the false prophet, holds a relationship to the first beast (the man of sin) similar to that which the Holy Spirit has to Christ. See the post for Revelation 13:1-10 for the handout and

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Revelation 13:1-10–The First Beast: The Second Person of the Unholy Trinity

Revelation 13:1-10 reveals the identity, origin, character, imitation, idolatry, and ideology of the second person in the unholy trinity. His head wound provides his opportunity to counterfeit the resurrection of Christ by his own resuscitation at the hands of the dragon whom he serves.   Revelation 13:1-10 (PPT) [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_21_Revelation_13A.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 13:1-10″]

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Revelation 12–The Dragon: The First Person of the Unholy Trinity

The second sign revealed in Revelation 12 consists of the great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns. He is the first person of an unholy trinity mimicking the divine Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The dragon counterfeits the role of God the Father. Believers should be familiar with the program and

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