In May Henry Smith of Associates for Biblical Research (ABR) interviewed me on his program, “Digging for Truth.” WBPH TV-60 of Bethlehem, PA works with ABR to make this broadcast/podcast. ABR has made a preview available (click on this link). The airing of this episode has been scheduled for June 23. When the online link becomes available, I will post it on my website and on social media.

In 2012 I participated in ABR’s excavation at Khirbet el-Maqatir (ancient Ai; Joshua 7) under the direction of Bryant Wood. They currently operate a major excavation at Shiloh under the direction of Scott Stripling. I recommend their work highly.

The program focuses on the ministry of Canyon Ministries with whom I have been working since 2008. As of this May, I became the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Canyon Ministries. Our office is located on Route 66 just west of Flagstaff, AZ. Our Executive Director is Jon Albert. We offer bus tours on the South Rim of Grand Canyon, hiking tours on and below the South Rim, and river rafting trips on the Colorado River in the canyon.