How much seminary training does a missionary need?

A sense of urgency characterizes nearly everyone who believes that God has led them to become missionaries for the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result, many consider going to the mission field with either minimum training or with no formal training at all. Why go through years of seminary training? “Will it actually prepare me for missionary service?” “If God could use someone like Charles Haddon Spurgeon, William Carey, or John Calvin with no formal theological education, why should I seek such training?” “Isn’t it wasting time and ignoring the urgency for getting to my mission field?” If you’re asking these questions, you are not alone. As an experienced missionary (15 years in Bangladesh), this blog presents my answers to such questions. As a contributor to ParkingSpace23’s blog, I posted an article with regard to preparation for missions ministries. If you click on the following link How much seminary training does a missionary need?, you will be able to read that blog post. Hopefully, it will either help you to decide on what training you need for missionary service or help you counsel someone who is asking that very pertinent question.
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