Why is Bible translation an important missions ministry?

Churches and individuals too often neglect Bible translation as a missions ministry. After all, that’s something for the experts and for organizations like Wycliffe Bible Translators to handle, right? However, as long as churches remain committed to missionary evangelism and church planting they will need the Bible. Try doing missions ministries (spiritual ministries, not going to dig a well or to build a bungalow or to outfit a camp) without a Bible. From where do you get the gospel message?–the local newspaper? What will a new believer read in order to grow spiritually?–the Bible in a language different than his own? Where does a new church find its purpose, its guidance, its teaching, and its beliefs? As a contributor to ParkingSpace23’s blog, I recently posted an article on Bible translation and missions ministries. I hope you will click on the following link Why is Bible translation an important missions ministry?, read, and begin to do something to keep Bible translation prominent in your own life and giving as well as in the corporate purpose of your local church.
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