Biblical Genealogies: Begetting a Devotional Reading

What do you do when you come to the book of 1 Chronicles in your Bible reading?

  • Skip?–Jump over genealogies without reading.
  • Skim?–Read the inserted headings, but not the text.
  • Scavenge?–Read only the narrative inserts, like the one about Jabez.
  • Squirm?–Read with distinct discomfort.
  • Scowl?–Complain, but plow on through the reading.
  • Skew?–Just declare in your mind that it must have something to do with Messiah.
  • Skid?–Stop reading the Bible–it just got too difficult.

Why did God include over thirty genealogies in the Bible (including them in both Old and New Testaments)? Are all of them Messiah related? What can we learn from them. This blog post is the first of a two-part series on reading the biblical genealogies devotionally. It is posted on ParkingSpace23 (click for link).

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