Another Off-Site Blog Worth Reading

In an effort to expand my contributions in the blogosphere, I accepted an invitation to submit an essay to another great biblical and theological website: “Parking Space 23.” My first contribution is “Continuity: Old Testament Truth in New Testament Clothing.” The continuity that exists between the two biblical testaments does not contravene the clear distinction between Israel […]

Another Off-Site Blog Worth Reading Read More »

Elihu and Moses (the Book of Job and Genesis)

Starting in Job 33, Elihu, the youngest of Job’s friends, addresses Job, Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad regarding their erroneous views about God’s character and Job’s problems. As he makes his case, Elihu expresses himself with words and phrases, concepts and imagery that appear to echo the early chapters of Genesis. If the Book of Job was

Elihu and Moses (the Book of Job and Genesis) Read More »

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