Resources for DMin OT Seminars

The following links provide resources that will aid DMin students at The Master’s Seminary in their preparation of some of the assignments required in the OT seminars in January.

  • Syntactical Analysis of Biblical Hebrew
  • The significance of the Hebrew verb system presents students with the greatest challenges. This paper seeks to provide a more linguistically sound approach to the Hebrew verbs in the light of the most recent research.

  • The Masoretic Hebrew Accents
  • The Masoretic accents indicate how a text should be read aloud and how it should be understood. A careful examination of the Hebrew accents will open new exegetical insights for those who take the time to study them.

  • Diagrammatical Analysis of Biblical Hebrew
  • The Kantenwein (Lee L. Kantenwein, Diagrammatical Analysis, rev. ed. [Winona Lake, IN: BMH, 1991]) method of diagramming biblical Greek texts grammatically by means of graphic lines just does not fit well with a heavily inflected language like biblical Hebrew. The method of logical or block diagramming presented in this paper follows the method found in some of the works by Walt C. Kaiser, Jr.: Malachi: God’s Unchanging Love (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1984) and Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1981). This paper presents some basic rules for diagrammatical representation and provides multiple examples for the student’s consideration.

  • Sample Outline and Graph Analysis for Deuteronomy 31-34
  • This document serves as an aid for fulfilling the assignment to produce an analysis of Isaiah 49-55 (due October 1). Please note that biblical text units might possess overlapping or parallel topics. Graphs representing the frequency of topics across text unit boundaries might produce a more accurate and usable analysis for exposition.

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