Titus 1:6

A few years ago I posted the following Q&A entry on my website. Due to recent interest (see the Cripplegate blog), I have decided to repost it. Q: I am working through the Titus 1:6 issue (children who believe or faithful children). What support is there in this passage or elsewhere in Scripture for one view […]

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2013 McDonald Lecture Series

Recently Dr Barrick was asked to speak at Central Seminary on the theme “In the Beginning: Creation and Biblical Authority.” Central Seminary has now put these lectures online for free download.  You can click the links below to play the lectures. The general sessions included: Creation Outside Genesis [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/messages/2013McDonaldLectures/Lecture1CreationOutsideGenesis.mp3″ text=”Audio”] The Historicity of Adam [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/messages/2013McDonaldLectures/Lecture2TheHistoricityOfAdam.mp3″ text=”Audio”]

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Revelation 21:9-22:5–The Holy City, The New Jerusalem

The final vision that John receives reveals details concerning the New Jerusalem. Readers normally ask two questions: (1) Does this city exists in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ or in the Eternal State? (2) Who are its citizens? Certain elements of the city’s description help answer those questions. The absence of the curse links everything

Revelation 21:9-22:5–The Holy City, The New Jerusalem Read More »

Revelation 19:17-21:8–Christ’s Return and Events After His 1,000-Year Kingdom

John writes about the series of events that take place with the Second Advent of Christ: the Great Supper of God, the chaining of Satan, and the 1,000-year reign of Christ in His Kingdom. Then John moves beyond the Kingdom to the events at its close: the loosing of Satan, the Great White Throne Judgment,

Revelation 19:17-21:8–Christ’s Return and Events After His 1,000-Year Kingdom Read More »

Revelation 19—Rejoicing in Heaven and the Christ’s Return from Heaven

God’s judgment of the harlot Babylon unleashes a wave of Hallelujah choruses in heaven and prepares for the entrance of the bride of Christ. In the nature of prophecy, events occur in staccato-like fashion, one after another—sometimes difficult to determine their exact order. The marriage feast will occur as the bridegroom Himself leads His bride

Revelation 19—Rejoicing in Heaven and the Christ’s Return from Heaven Read More »

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