Revelation 19—Rejoicing in Heaven and the Christ’s Return from Heaven

God’s judgment of the harlot Babylon unleashes a wave of Hallelujah choruses in heaven and prepares for the entrance of the bride of Christ. In the nature of prophecy, events occur in staccato-like fashion, one after another—sometimes difficult to determine their exact order. The marriage feast will occur as the bridegroom Himself leads His bride in procession, everyone dressed in white wedding garments. Christ’s victory is near and the transfer of power takes place with Him reigning over the world’s nations. Hallelujah! He is coming again!

[wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_27_Revelation_19A.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 19:1-5″] [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_27_Revelation_19B.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 19:6-16″]

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