
Just Published: Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray

Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray: Finding Our Way Back to Biblical Truth, ed. Nathan Busenitz (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2017) was unveiled at this year’s Shepherds’ Conference hosted by Grace Community Church and The Master’s Seminary. The volume contains the following chapters: “When the Church Goes Astray” by Nathan Busenitz “Rock-Star Religion” by Tom […]

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New Book Endorsement

“For nearly a century, only a handful of scholars have published manuals for the exegesis of the Hebrew Bible. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament surpasses all previous works with its biblical-theological orientation, purposeful organization, depth of analytical guidance, clarity of explanation, illustrative examples, and direction regarding interpretive implications. DeRouchie walks the aspiring exegete and expositor through the

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Kindle Edition of Searching for Adam Now Available

Searching for Adam, ed. by Terry Mortenson (Master Books, 2016) now available on Kindle (save an additional 60% off the price–and no shipping–instant acquisition–click on the book’s image at the left). The first printing (hard copy, paperback) sold out in less than eight weeks after coming out in early November. A new run is in the press.

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Biblical Doctrine Volume Now Available

My contributor’s copy of Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Survey of Bible Truth, edited by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue has finally arrived! The hefty volume (1023 pages) fills 2-1/4 inches of horizontal shelf space. The Master’s Seminary faculty members involved in producing section drafts for the volume included Dr. Nathan Busenitz, Dr. Jim Mook, Dr. Bryan Murphy,

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NEW BOOK — Searching for Adam

Searching for Adam: Genesis and the Truth about Man’s Origin, edited by Terry Mortenson (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2016) has now been published. Available on Amazon. The volume’s target audience includes serious-minded lay people, pastors, missionaries, seminary and Christian college professors and students, and other Christian leaders. It contains sixteen chapters that biblical and scientific experts

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Kevin Boling Interview

This interview with Kevin Boling from Knowing the Truth Radio is a discussion with Dr Barrick about his recently released Commentary on Ecclesiastes, published by Christian Focus Publications. This interview provides a good overview of the book, highlighting some of the principles taught throughout. [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/other/2012-03-22_Kevin_Boling_Interview.mp3″ text=”Dr Bill Barrick Interview with Kevin Boling”]

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Sanctification: The Work of the Holy Spirit and Scripture

Sanctification is inseparable from regeneration; where there is one, the other must also exist. Sanctification is the process of making holy, whether in the OT or the NT. God’s holiness is complete, comparable to no one else, and is incompatible with sin. Man’s holiness is progressive as it seeks to match the holiness of God

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Inter-covenantal Truth and Relevance: Leviticus 26 and the Biblical Covenants

Leviticus 26 provides a key to advancing the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants by showing how the two relate to each other. The parenthetical nature of the chapter shows its inter-covenantal character in six areas: (1) covenant, (2) law, (3) Yahweh, (4) promise, (5) repentance, and (6) revelation. The word for “covenant” used therein always relates

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