Books I’ve Endorsed

This post presents all of the books for which I have written endorsements published inside the book or on its cover. The authors of these volumes asked for my endorsement and I gave it only after carefully reading their work to be certain that I would not be sorry that I did so. That does not mean that I always agree 100% with each volume’s content. It does mean, however, that I heartily recommend the book for others who seek good Christian materials for personal study or for use as textbooks in the classrooms of our schools and churches.

Each thumbnail of the cover is the link for that volume on Amazon. For digital materials, that link sometimes leads to other publishers, such as FaithLife. The arrangement is alphabetical by the surname of the author. As I write new endorsements, I will add to this post in the future.

See also, What Books Do You Recommend Most Highly? and What Books Do You Recommend Most Highly?–Part 2 and Dr. Barrick’s Books.









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