Biblical Doctrine Volume Now Available

My contributor’s copy of Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Survey of Bible Truth, edited by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue has finally arrived! The hefty volume (1023 pages) fills 2-1/4 inches of horizontal shelf space. The Master’s Seminary faculty members involved in producing section drafts for the volume included Dr. Nathan Busenitz, Dr. Jim Mook, Dr. Bryan Murphy, Dr. Michael Vlach, Prof. Michael Riccardi, and myself. It’s a great joy to see my 167-page draft turn into 98 pages of print, but the greatest joy involves the long-term potential of the volume making a significant impact upon the readers’ theological thinking through this systematic exploration of Scripture. As Dr. MacArthur and Dr. Mayhue write in the Preface, our prayer matches that of the apostle Paul’s in Ephesians 1:17-19. Yes, may the Spirit of God Himself enlighten our understanding of God’s written Word. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for the production of this volume and who have encouraged the editors and writers to see it through to completion.

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