Back Up and Running in 2018

Sometimes things don’t go exactly as we plan. Those situations become the times “that try men’s souls,” as someone once so aptly announced. Shortly after my last posting near the end of December, a new update of the server software created a series of incompatibilities with my plug-ins and site management. That resulted in my inability to produce new posts, even though everyone, including myself, could access my web site for reading, searching, and getting information. Thanks to a wonderful computer tech and dear friend in New Zealand, however, the problems have been resolved. Praise the Lord!

Here’s what you can expect in the days ahead on

  • Continuation of the Hebrew Whiteboard study of Psalm 104
  • New materials on the Reliability of the Bible
  • A few select book recommendations–not, however, a weekly post like I attempted in 2017
  • New blogs on key “hot button” topics

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and your interest in this web site.

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