Bible Expositor’s Handbook–New Testament

Dr. Greg Harris, Professor of Bible Exposition at The Master’s Seminary, has written and published a two-volume series on the exposition of the Bible. WordSearch Bible makes both volumes available at a special reduced rate for a short time. Both volumes are also available through Amazon: New Testament (the latest publication–click on the image above) and Old Testament (previously featured in my blog recommendations for books).

The Bible Expositor’s Handbook: New Testament takes the reader on a tour of the New Testament with Greg Harris as guide extraordinaire. Each step along the way, our guide directs our attention to the most significant theological themes and provides sound commentary to resolve interpretive issues. He also points out the hazards that can be encountered on our journey through the New Testament text—the exegetical pitfalls to avoid. When combined with the Old Testament volume of this Handbook, the student of Scripture possesses the best expositor’s theological guidebook available today.

One of the crying needs in our day involves reversing the shameful neglect of adequate preparation both in personal spirituality and in interpreting the Bible with accuracy. Such neglect leads to a denial of biblical unity and continuity. Greg Harris instructs the expositor by exemplifying the process and explaining the foundation for each step. He studiously ties exposition to the text by means of a sound hermeneutic and develops it with careful attention to the overall context of Scripture and biblical theology.

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