Where can I find a resource helping me to access the core truths of God’s Word with theological consistency throughout both Old and New Testaments?
Yes, there are resources available just to help us study, understand, and explain to others what doctrinal truths God would have us obtain from His precious written revelation, the Bible. In a recent Master’s Seminary blog post, Dr. Nathan Busenitz highlights those resources. The author, Dr. Greg Harris, wrote both volumes in the crucible of a life challenged by emotional and physical suffering. If you desire to know more about the way God prepared Dr. Harris for his ministries in pastoring, teaching, and writing, read some of his earlier books available on his website at Glory Books.
In previous blogs on DrBarrick.org I have featured both volumes: Bible Expositor’s Handbook — New Testament and Bible Expositor’s Handbook — Old Testament (this second post also contains a link to my full review of the volume in The Master’s Seminary Journal).
Dr. Harris has been writing yet another volume in his Glory Series. It is currently titled The King and His Glory. Lord willing, it will be out early next year — watch for it.