True Spirituality, Dealing with Addiction, and Self-Help Manuals

Counseling individuals with various types of addictions presents an ongoing challenge. How can you best help them to help themselves? How can you encourage them? What resources do you recommend? How do you help them better understand their addiction and its consequences (both short-term and long-term)? Frequently we depend too much on self-help manuals. There are many good books available. Warning: the thumb nail does not represent one that I would recommend–it is just a good visual for the blog post.

My blog today on ParkingSpace23 addresses this issue–at least in part. Addictions and recovery from addictions are sometimes complex matters. However, we really need to begin back at ground zero with the most basic of basics. Only then can we be certain we are following the path of God’s wisdom, which is greater than ours.

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