Revelation 18–The Judgment of Babylon

When God judges Babylon, its fall will impact all nations, all kings, and all merchants. In the post-Flood world, Babylon became the archenemy of God’s kingdom. At the end of earth’s history, the great archenemy will be destroyed and the kingdoms of this world will give way to the kingdom of Christ. Babylon’s immorality, idolatry, and blood guilt result in a double measure of divine judgment. The blood of saints, prophets, and apostles have and will flow in her streets. God will avenge their martyrdoms.

  • Revelation 18 (PPT)
  • [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_26_Revelation_18A.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 18:1-5″] [wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_26_Revelation_18B.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 18:6-24″]

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