Revelation 17–The Great Harlot

Mystery, Babylon the Great. Interpretations vary from the Roman Catholic Church to a rebuilt future Babylon. What is this great end times entity to which John devotes two full chapters of the Book of Revelation? He was not alone–both Isaiah and Jeremiah also dedicated two full chapters in their prophecies to the topic of Babylon. Understanding the identity of Babylon brings the student of the Bible closer to an understanding of the end time events.


[wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_25_Revelation_17A.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 17:1-11″][wpaudio url=”/files/audio/studies/Revelation/Lesson_25_Revelation_17B.mp3″ text=”Dr Barrick, Revelation 17:12-18″]

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