Old Testament

Jordan Research Trip, Post #3

Peniel / Penuel Traveling southward from Haran (cf. Genesis 27:43), Jacob fled from Laban with Rachel and Leah to the hills of Gilead (Genesis 31:21). After Laban caught up with Jacob and they settled some of their differences (Genesis 31:22–55), Jacob moved on to meet his brother Esau in Edom (Genesis 32:1–5). However, Jacob’s messengers […]

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Priceless Treasures in Familiar Settings—Psalm 23:1

Priceless treasures of propositional truth reside in divine Scripture. Priceless, because their value exceeds anything this world has to offer. Treasures, because such truths enrich the soul, infuse life with supreme joy, and produce contentment no amount of earthly treasures can supply. For over 57 years the Bible’s most familiar texts have found their way

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Uncommon Wisdom: Old Testament Wisdom Books

Introduction Overall, Old Testament (OT) wisdom books are fairly anthropocentric (man-centered) since they address the issues of everyday living faced by God’s people. That does not mean that they are not also theocentric (God-centered). God instructs His people to live their lives in view of His existence, presence, righteousness, and justice. Studying these books provides

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