My Recommendations: Book of the Week, October 15

9Marks produces a lot of good books for pastors and church leaders. Jeramie Rinne’s Church Elders: How to Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus stands out as one of the best. Our board of church elders chose this book to read individually and discuss as a group chapter by chapter. We have found this little volume worth far more than its size. The “Introduction” sets the tone: “I’m an elder. Now what?” Eight chapters walk us through the answer: 1 – “Don’t Assume”; 2 – “Smell Like Sheep”; 3 – “Serve Up the Word”; 4 – “Track Down the Strays”; 5 – “Lead without Lording”; 6 – “Shepherd Together”; 7 – “Model Maturity”; and, 8 – “Plead for the Flock.” This is a must read for men wanting to prepare for church leadership and for those who already lead.

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