Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“This book is intriguing, challenging, and comforting. These are not necessarily words one might expect to be used about a book on Bible translation. But these words describe William Barrick’s extremely helpful and carefully developed book. This book is designed not only for Bible translators but for all perceptive believers who want to understand the challenges involved in bringing a translation to fruition. He so beneficially ‘pulls back the veil’ to allow his readers to see with what translators struggle and how decisions are made. His insistence on the necessity of readability, simplicity, clarity rings so true for one who preaches and teaches the inexhaustible Word of God. His clearly developed translation principles are illustrated throughout by using the biblical text. Though at times necessarily technical, he ‘practices what he preaches’ on the need to communicate well with clarity and accuracy. His version comparisons are fair, thorough, and can be used for both individuals and churches wondering which is the ‘best’ translation. I will be recommending this book both to seminary students and many of my church friends.” – Stephen J. Bramer (Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary), Chair and Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary

Available at Kregel and Amazon (click on links).

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