Christ’s Resurrection and Missions

Resurrection Sunday has just passed and we have, hopefully, spent a significant amount of time contemplating the importance of our Savior’s resurrection from the dead. Our contemplation, however, might have neglected a key influence of Jesus’ resurrection with regard to His church: how the resurrection empowers, instructs, and provides the driving force for world missions in the proclamation of the gospel concerning Jesus Christ. My blog on this very topic has been published at ParkingSpace23: “The Resurrection of Christ and Missions.” Please visit this site and read the blog. It consists of more than just a doctrinal evaluation–it concludes with practical implications for you, your local church, and your relationship to world missions. He is risen! – He is risen indeed! Now, “Go into all the world . . .”
The following books are my top recommendations on the topic of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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