My Recommendations: Book of the Week, April 17

The ministry of Bible translation has occupied a good portion of my own life and ministry. My shelf is filled with books about Bible translation and Bible versions, as well as Bibles in many languages. I first heard Dave Brunn speak about his book in a session he conducted at the national meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society. We immediately found many viewpoints in common. His book, One Bible, Many Versions: Are All Translations Created Equal? (IVP Academic, 2013) provides a fresh and winsomely written look at the complementary nature of different translational methodologies and their representative English translations. At the same time, Dave Brunn reveals a lot of valuable information about translating the Bible into other languages–his own experience was among the Lamogai of Papua New Guinea. Brunn is director of education for the New Tribes Mission Missionary Training Center. Click on picture for link.
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