My Recommendations: Book of the Week, April 3

Elliott Johnson and I first crossed paths in 1998 on a tour of Israel with Master’s Seminary and Dallas Seminary students. We had a great time together and found that we were kindred spirits theologically, hermeneutically, and academically. When I got word that A Dispensational Biblical Theology (Allen, TX: Bold Grace Ministries, 2016) was available, I ordered it immediately. This volume is significant because it is exactly what it claims to be: a “biblical theology”–not a systematic theology. When I was a seminary student the closest theology book to this volume was Alva J. McClain’s The Greatness of the Kingdom (Moody, 1959). McClain’s volume belongs in every Bible student’s library and ought to be read voraciously, with Bible in hand. However, Elliott Johnson’s volume goes beyond McClain’s by focusing on more than just the Kingdom. No matter whether you are dispensational or covenantal, you ought to read this volume. It presents the most cogent case for and explanation of dispensationalism available today. Click on picture for link.
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