
Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“Someone once said, ‘Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.’ This has been Dr. Barrick’s life-long pursuit whether translating in Bangladesh for 15 years, teaching biblical languages in seminary, or now, in retirement, writing from his experience for future generations. If you have the privilege to read anything he has written on […]

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“Understanding Bible Translation by Dr. William (Bill) Barrick reads like an autobiographical journey through 50 years of faithfulness to the centrality of Scriptures for evangelization and local church ministry. Weaving together his formal training at Bible College and Seminary (so thankful some of this was at Grace), 15 years of front-line Bible translation work, and a

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“This book is full of surprises! Bill Barrick draws upon a lifetime of scholarship to challenge what I thought I knew about Scripture, humble me with gratitude for those who translated my Bible, and inspire me to support the teams who continue this sometimes thrilling, sometimes tedious work. Bill explains the many challenges of faithfully

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“Barrick’s primary motivation for producing this most excellent work is succinctly summarized on page 31 of Understanding Bible Translation: The challenge of Bible translation, therefore, is to make the Word of God understandable. It is one of the greatest challenges to which the Christian exegete or expositor might respond. Understanding is the goal of all proclamation

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“This book is intriguing, challenging, and comforting. These are not necessarily words one might expect to be used about a book on Bible translation. But these words describe William Barrick’s extremely helpful and carefully developed book. This book is designed not only for Bible translators but for all perceptive believers who want to understand the

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“Even liberal scholars who do not agree with his conclusions nonetheless acknowledge the high-quality linguistic skills of Dr. William Barrick, previous chair of the Old Testament department at The Master’s Seminary, and who for many years has been a Bible translator himself. Many people glory in their own skills or giftedness; Bill Barrick does not.

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“Understanding Bible Translation takes a highly technical endeavor and makes it obtainable for all. Backed by a life devoted to the Word of God, and written by one who is familiar with the rigors of translation personally, his heart for God is evidenced on every page. This is no dry treatise on the necessity and intricacies

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“Bible translation is the spark that kindled the Reformation. Men like William Tyndale gave their lives to ensure that people had access to Scripture in their own languages. Continuing the legacy and vision of such great men, Understanding Bible Translation makes a strong biblical case for vernacular translation of the Bible. Dr. Barrick shows how to preserve

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Understanding Bible Translation: Excerpt & Endorsement

“In reading Understanding Bible Translation, I felt like an apprentice sitting at the elbow of a master artisan watching him perform his craft with excellence. Drawing from his expertise honed as a long-time professor, as well as from decades of experience as a Bible translator, Bill Barrick masterfully demonstrates what is involved in translating the Bible

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Understanding Bible Translation

My latest book, Understanding Bible Translation: Bringing God’s Word into New Contexts (Kregel Academic, 2019) enters distribution May 28. This project began approximately 25 years ago while serving as a Bible translator in Bangladesh. Since then, my involvement in Bible translation has expanded far beyond what I ever dreamed possible. Part of that story comes

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