Jordan Research Trip, Post #9

This particular research trip set as one of its goals the evaluation of three lines of evidence with regard to identifying the locations of Sodom and Gomorrah and attempting to establish chronological timelines: (1) Biblical evidence within the text of Scripture itself as the prima facie evidence; (2) archaeological evidence as provided in excavation reports; and, (3)

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Jordan Research Trip, Post #8

Petra Match me such a marvel save in Eastern clime, a rose-red city half as old as time. — John William Burgon Biblical Connections Preparing for a tour of Petra provides an opportunity to think about its biblical connections. Petra and its peoples’ histories begin with the history of Abraham’s descendants. When Abraham’s wife Sarah

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Jordan Research Trip, Post #4

Rabbah Ammon / Amman Citadel Today Amman serves as the capital of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. In ancient times it was known as Rabbah of the Ammonites. In the Hellenistic and Roman periods the city was named Philadelphia (honoring Ptolemy II Philadelphos, ruler of Egypt 285–247 BC). Philadelphia was the southernmost city of the Decapolis (see

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Jordan Research Trip, Post #3

Peniel / Penuel Traveling southward from Haran (cf. Genesis 27:43), Jacob fled from Laban with Rachel and Leah to the hills of Gilead (Genesis 31:21). After Laban caught up with Jacob and they settled some of their differences (Genesis 31:22–55), Jacob moved on to meet his brother Esau in Edom (Genesis 32:1–5). However, Jacob’s messengers

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